Celebrating Lammas in Modern Times
While many of us may not be directly involved in agriculture, we can still honor the spirit of Lammas by celebrating abundance, community, and the fruits of our labor. And it doesn’t need to happen only on August 1. These are things we can do all season long to show our gratitude for the bounty we have in our lives!
Here are some ideas on how to celebrate Lammas in today’s world:
🥗 Host a Harvest Feast: Gather with loved ones for a meal featuring seasonal produce. Celebrate the harvest by cooking dishes that highlight fresh, local ingredients.
📝 Create a Gratitude Ritual: Take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life. You can write these thoughts down in a journal or create a gratitude list. And to honor Leo season which is ruled by the sun you could incorporate them into a small candle lighting ceremony.
🌽 Visit a Farmers’ Market or Farm: Support local farmers by visiting a market or farm. It’s a wonderful way to connect with the source of your food, appreciate the hard work of farmers, and enjoy fresh produce.
🤓 Learn About Lammas Traditions: Take some time to explore the history and customs associated with Lammas. Reading about ancient traditions can provide inspiration and deepen your appreciation for the season.
Books I recommend for learning more:
Witch’s Wheel of the Year: Rituals for Circles, Solitaries & Covens - Get a copy
The Complete Grimoire: Magickal Practices and Spells for Awakening Your Inner Witch - Get a copy
Join Tracy’s Total Wellness in Celebrating Lammas
Lammas is a beautiful reminder to celebrate the fruits of our labor and the bounty of the earth.
I’d love to hear how you’re celebrating Lammas! Share your stories and photos with me on Instagram and Facebook, and join my community of like-minded individuals who value tradition and the collective.