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Are you READY to bloom into the life you deserve to live?
Spring Equinox Celebration [Virtual Event Recording]
Are you READY to bloom into the life you deserve to live?
Connect to an empowering retreat to re-organize stress, grief, trauma, and what's stopping you, so you can spring into the energy and qualities of the life that serves you and inspires the world.
Use the power of the blooming energy of Spring to light and ignite your passions and desires for the new year. Through nature rituals, yoga, meditation and group exercises we come together to prepare for the spring season.
What this celebration recording includes:
-Empowering Yoga
-Therapeutic Circle Work and Journalling
-A Spring Equinox Ritual
-Medium and Energy Work
-Full Moon Cleansing Meditation and fire burning ritual
-Stress Relieving Treatments
-And lots and lots of laughs
Saturday March 28th for 3 hours Recording
Pay what you can :) I want to support my community and want offer you what feels in alignment for you right now from Free-$15.00