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From Survive to Thrive: A 2 Week Highly Sensitive Person Challenge

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A Live Online Challenge August 10th-August 24th

We are STILL Live with sacred time to complete the rituals we learned in the challenge. We are running the experience until October 9th.

If you've been told "you're too much" - "just let it go" - "you're too emotional" this FREE challenge is for you.

Together in a safe a sacred space we will explore:
-What a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is and how to understand your own energy and emotions.
-How to clear energy and emotions that are not yours to hold
-Why grounding and sealing your energetic and emotional body is vital.

Each Monday, Wednesday & Friday receive a video training @noon eastern (with recording available)

Each Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday you will begin to create the rituals and self-care techniques that you learn on the training calls.

After the live experience join us on Friday’s for check in’s until October 9th.

I'm Tracy of Tracy's Total Wellness creating safe space for people to fully express Unapologetically.

Right now there is alot of what I'm calling "inflammatory energy" everywhere...

-The news and social media
-For some in our homes
-In our local and even global communities
-For some even in our own minds

According to Dr. Elaine Aron, Ph.D.

  • 15-20% of the population are HSP's

  • Their brains work different

  • They are more aware of subtleties

  • They are easily overwhelmed

  • Can be misunderstood

  • Sensitivity is valued differently in different cultures

Wondering if you are an HSP? Take Dr. Aron’s Free Quiz Here:

I myself am a HSP and a month ago felt what I could equate to as an "Emotional Hangover." It wasn't until I got my energy clearing and a session with my life coach that I realized I was impacted by all that "stuff" out there more than I realized.

Even though I've been doing this work for over a decade we can all agree this year is Different!


It was time for me to hold my HSP self sacred and nurture her more. Now, I want that for you in our container to take back your own energy and shine your light.

[Recordings all available]

I look forward to be in the sacred space of a customized challenge to regain your energy and life.
(P.S. this is also great for people that are NOT HSPs but live with them)

And, it wouldn't be a Tracy's Total Wellness experience without so fun too!

August 8

Yoga and Beer [Free Virtual Event]

September 10

Wise Working Women Networking [Virtual]