Fall Equinox & Harvest Full Moon Celebration
Let's celebrate the HARVEST of all our actions and intentions we put forth this summer so we can relish and embrace all that we desire AND deserve in our health, relationships and life.
Join together for a fun and empowering event where we will gather under the beautiful big orange harvest moon to shed and release what no longer serves us AND prepare to be thrilled and enlivened by an amazing fall season.
What this celebration includes:
-Empowering Yoga
-Therapeutic Circle Work and Journalling
-A Fall Equinox Ritual
-Full Moon Cleansing Meditation and fire burning ritual
-Nourishing Food and Beverages
-Stress Relieving Massage Options
-And lots and lots of laughs
Where: Location: 11427 Waterstone Loop Dive. Windermere, FL, 34786
Make sure to go over the stone bridge. Some GPS systems will take you straight. At Gate say you are here for Verneka (pronounced "Ver" "knee" "ka"). We will be behind the house around the right. Follow the tiki torches. Call Tracy if you have problem: 607-760-9065
When: 5:00pm-9:00pm
How: $40 Pre-Pay - $50 At The Door
Use this Link to Pay: http://bit.ly/full-moon-orlando
Bring your own yoga mat.
Contact Tracy if you don’t have a mat.
Rain or Shine. We have an indoor area in case of weather.